Azul Viagens is the tour operator of one of the largest airlines in Brazil, Azul Airlines. A household brand in tourism and hospitality, Azul Viagens provides travel planning services for millions of customers annually, both online and at airport stores. Madu Media was selected to launch the first Azul Viagens store in The United States.
We were honored to tackle the challenge of introducing this primarily Brazilian brand to the American public in one of the top destinations in all of USA, while maintaining its appeal to the 450 thousand Brazilians living in the United States.
Our marketing strategy combined the typical with the unique. We complimented broad social media work with an unprecedented partnership with Orlando City SC, a major league soccer team that represents the Brazilian passion for the sport in the United States. We leveraged this cultural connection to associate the passion and excitement of soccer matches with that of travel with Azul Viagens. We sponsored an official spectator section in the stadium to create the “crowd of Azul Viagens”, a large section of fans decked out in the Azul brand clothing, together watching the team shine.
In the social sphere, we organized an event featuring lectures by renowned doctors, businessmen, and celebrities to talk about the importance of breast cancer prevention.
We created packages, offers, and creative campaigns both on and offline to capture the attention of Brazilian, American, and foreign travelers. Our services included website development, public relations, content creation, administration of social networks, creating and distributing newsletters, organizing events, purchasing media, and producing videos.
Through our efforts, Azul Viagens’ “trusted reference” status in South America rapidly translated to The United States.